In a small town in the South of France, close to the Pyrenees Mountains, there is a special place called Lourdes. On the 7th January 1844, a child was born to Francois Soubirous and Louise Casterot. They named her Bernadette. At that time few people across the world would have heard about this place, but for the blessings given by Our Lord Jesus, through his mother, Mary - the location is now a place of pilgrimage visited by pilgrims across the world
On a winters day in 1858, Bernadette's mother sent her to gather some wood for the family stove. Her sister Toinette and her friend Jeanne accompanied her on the journey. The girls walked through the woods picking up what they could find, (branches and sticks.).
They reached a river called the River Gave, Toinette and Jeanne crossed through the icy water to the other side. Bernadette hesitated but after the other girls encouraged her to cross, Bernadette finally removed her shoes and bravely followed the others across the stream. They continued on their journey until they arrived at a place called Massabielle; this was the city's dump, a garbage area which had garbage scattered everywhere.
On the right of the garbage area was a high cliffe, and in the rock was a cave or grotto which was usually used by shepherds for shelter during storms. Bernadette walked through the grotto. Suddenly she stopped and dropped to her knees. The young Bernadette began to stare into an area of the rock. She then took a rosary from her pocket and began to pray. Toinette became worried at this point as Bernadette was not responding to her requests to get up. She seemed to stare into an area of the cave and pray continuously.
Bernadette eventually stood up and the three girls proceeded to hurry home.
During the walk home from their journey in the woods, Bernadette shares her experience with the other girls.
'I saw a beautiful Lady,' she told them. We recited the Rosary together.
When they had arrived home, Bernadetes's mother was very angry. 'where have you been all this time?' she asked. 'iI need this wood to start dinner.'
'Bernadtte saw a Lady,' said her sister. 'What Lady?' asked their mother.
'Oh mother the Lady was so beautiful!" was Bernadette's reply. 'She wore a long gown tied at the waist, with a blue ribbon. There were golden rays all around her, and yellow roses at her feet.'
Bernadette's mother wasn't having any of this - she told Bernadette not to lie to her, and instructed her to stay away from Massabielle.
The pull of this beautiful vision however, made it too hard for Bernadette to resist. Three days later Bernadette started out early for the grotto.
This time a gang of boys began to follow, making fun of her.
When Bernadette arrived at the grotto, she knelt down keeping her eys on the same place where she had previously seen the Lady. She prayed so hard that she fell to the ground in a trance. All of the boys screamed for help.
A nearby Miller called Nicolou on hearing the calls for help, came running. He carried the unconscious Bernadette to his mill. When Bernadette finally woke up, Nicolou and his wife took her home.
Bernadette's mother was so upset when she saw her pale daughter, too weak to stand. She again insisted that she never again visit the grotto.
The Mayor of Lourdes heard about Bernadettes vision and visited the family. He also instructed Bernadette not to return to Massabielle. It wasn't long before the Police Chief and the local priest found out about the ordeal, and also gave the same instructions - not to visit Massabielle. The local doctor (Dr. Dozous)also gave Bernadette an examination, as several people thought that she may have been having a breakdown.
When Bernadette was beginning to feel better, two important ladies in the area; Mademoiselle Peyret and Madam Millet offer to accompany Bernadette to the grotto. They brought with them a pen, paper and a candle.
After attending Mass, the three set out for Massabielle. When they arrived Bernadette instantly dropped to her knees, gazing towards the grotto. Bernadette called out, 'look! there she is.' But the ladies were unable to see anyone.
A huge crowd had also followed from Lourdes, and the people watched silently as Bernadette spoke with the Lady. The Lady told Bernadette , ' Repent and pray for the conversion of sinners.' Everyone saw Bernadette kiss the ground in penitence.
The Lady also told bernadette, to 'return here every day for fifteen days. She did as she was requested and on the sixth day the Lady told her to ''Drink and wash in the fountain.' Bernadette looked round for water, and began to dig in the mud below the grotto. Suddenly a trickle of water appeared . Next a stream sprang from the hole.
The crowd watch as Bernadette washed her face in the muddy water, before beginning to drink it!
Every day huge crowds followed Bernadette to the grotto, and on the thirteenth visit to the grotto, the Lady told Bernadette, ' I want a chapel built here. Tell the priest to come with a candlelight procession.' When Bernadette told the priest, he said, 'Ask the Lady whoi she is.'
On March 25th (The Feast of the Annunciation) Bernadette visited the grotto and when the beautiful Lady appeared , Bernadette asked 'who are you?' The Lady answered 'I am the Immaculate Conception.' On hearing the reply Bernadette was confused. She went to the priest, where he explained that the Lady's words meant she was the Virgin Mary, the Queen of Heaven, and the Mother of God!
A great church was built near the grotto. where mllions of pilgrims still travel every year. Many sick and crippled people have been reported to have been healed here. and the grotto is one of the most popular shrines in the world.
Bernadette did not like all of the attention and fame, and so went to live in a convent far away. She died there when she was only thirty five.
On December 8, 1933, the feast of the Immaculate Conception, Bernadette was proclaimed a saint.
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